Keeping tabs on your expenses can seem a real hassle, particularly when you've got several payments going out (think phone, rent or mortgage, utilities and credit card repayments). Fortunately, we've come up with some tech-savvy ways that could help streamline your outgoings.
- Set SMS and email alerts
- Check your balance quickly
- Create automatic payments
- Manage credit cards online or in-app
- Plan your budget online
Got a payment due? Get Notified!
If you're a St.George customer, you can set up alerts to let you know when a payment is due, either as a notification on your mobile (using our banking app) or as an SMS or email. And not only can you get notified when your credit card repayment is due; you can also pay your credit card on the spot by tapping 'pay' directly from the notification. Too easy.
Want to know your balance? Find out on the go
With Quick Balance, you can find out the balance of up to 3 eligible accounts (including your credit card) without needing to sign into St.George Mobile Banking. Quick Balance can also be set up to show you the last 5 transactions you've made.
Set up an automatic payment plan
There's an easy way to make sure you make your credit card repayment on time each month – simply set up an Automatic Payment Plan in St.George Mobile Banking. You can choose to either pay the full closing balance each month, the minimum monthly payment or a fixed monthly amount. This allows you to 'set and forget' and keep your chosen payments going through.
Manage cards with Internet and Mobile Banking
Making sure you're on top of your credit card payments is just one of many tech-savvy ways you can manage your card. If you're registered for St.George Mobile Banking you can also receive notifications on your mobile. Here's some other ways you can get St.George Internet and Mobile Banking – along with our apps – working for you.
- Update your details – Moved recently or got a new number? You can let us know directly through Internet Banking.
- Check in on your transaction history – With Internet Banking, it's easy to keep track of your transaction history should you need to.
- Dispute a credit card transaction – seen a transaction you don't recognise? You can dispute it directly through Internet or Mobile Banking, without needing to call us. Find out more about disputing a credit card transaction
- Update your daily ATM and EFTPOS cash withdrawal limit – we're just as savvy with debit cards as we are with credit cards. So if you want to make a change to the daily amount you can get out at an ATM (or how much you can spend using EFTPOS), you can do it directly using Internet Banking.
Need some help sorting out your finances?
Of course, a decent budget is one of the building blocks to any successful financial strategy. We could give you a hand there as well. If you'd like to get an idea of your expenses, you could start with our handy online Budget Planner. And if you're ready to get started, take a look at our card comparison page to find a card that works for you.
Important information
The information on our website is prepared without knowing your personal financial circumstances. Before you act on this, please consider if it's right for you. Please consider the Mobile Banking Terms and Conditions before making a decision and consider whether the product is appropriate for you. If you need help, call 13 33 30.
© St.George Bank – A Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141
AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714
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