Emergency kit checklist

Typically over the summer months in Australia, natural disasters such as bushfires, floods, cyclones or storms can occur. Whether you are going to stay in your home or evacuate to a safer area, it’s essential that every home has an emergency kit. You’ll need some basic things to get you by without electricity or water for up to 72 hours.
To prepare ahead
Make sure you have the following emergency kit items stored in a waterproof box in an easy access location
Food, water and essential supplies
During and after an emergency you may need to stay in your home and there may be power outages and road closures. As a minimum, you should have the following supplies at all times in an emergency kit:
- 3 litres of bottled water for each person
- Non-perishable food, such as canned food
- Can opener
- Any prescriptions and medications you or your family need to take
- Items for babies (e.g. formula, food, nappies)
- Items for elderly members of your household (e.g. mobility aids, hearing aids)
- Items for members of your household with special needs (e.g. mobility aids, insulin pumps etc)
- Items for pets (e.g. food, water, litter or newspapers, lead, carry cage, blanket and any medications)
- Camping plates, cups and cutlery
- Camping stove or gas cooking equipment
- Water purification tablets
- Toilet paper
- Insect repellent
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Soap
- Sunscreen
- Insect repellent.
First aid kit
You should be able to buy a first aid kit with what you need from your local pharmacy. It should include:
- Plasters in a variety of sizes
- Gauze dressings
- Sterile eye dressings
- Antiseptic spray
- Safety pins
- Tweezers
- Disposable gloves.
- Battery operated radio
- Battery operated torch
- Extra batteries for radio and torch
- Copy of your emergency plan
- Fully charged mobile phone and charger or phone card
- List of emergency contact numbers
- Pen and paper.
Important documents and items
Keep all important documents in a sealed bag in a safe which you can easily access.
- Passport, birth and marriage certificates
- House, life, health, car and boat insurances
- Copies of Medicare, pension or personal identification cards
- Wills
- Inventory of valuable household goods
- A back up copy of important computer files
- Important documents scanned on USB (memory stick).
Clothing for each person
Store in plastic sealed bags
- Strong closed toed shoes or boots
- Warm protective clothing such as jumper, waterproof jacket and hat
- Garden and rubber gloves
- Safety glasses and sun glasses.
Tools and supplies
- Plastic garbage bags
- Utility knife
- Masking or duct tape for windows
- Basic tool kit such as a wrench to turn off all utilities
- Wool or thermal blankets and bedding
- Whistle
- Tent or a tarpaulin.
Items to help you evacuate quickly
You may need to leave your home quickly if you are in a flood-prone area. In this situation you will want to have your emergency kit ready in advance and have access to your:
- Car and car keys
- Fuel
- Cash, credit and or debit cards
- Mobile phone and charger.
Prepare your Emergency Plan
Make sure you follow these important steps to prepare ahead of emergencies:
- Keep your emergency kit in a safe and accessible place
- Check emergency kit on a regular basis and replace expired or out-of-date items
- Discuss what to do in an emergency with household members so everyone knows the plan in advance
- Record important details such emergency numbers, two meeting spots (in case you’re unable to get to the first spot) , medications, pet details, household mobile numbers, insurance providers, and family contact details
- Include books and games for children.
Check insurance
Make sure your home and contents insurance is up-to-date and in particular that the sum-insured amount is enough. It’s also a good idea to make sure you have your insurer’s details handy and know how to contact them should you need to in a hurry.
Important information
Cover is subject to your application for insurance being accepted.
Product Disclosure Statements (PDS)
Home and Contents Insurance Product Disclosure Statement (PDF 1MB) (applicable to policies issued on or after 12 December 2021 or renewed on or after 22 November 2021)
For the standard terms, conditions and exclusions about our Home & Landlord Insurance, please refer to the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and any supplementary PDS (if applicable). To see some of the events covered and not covered, please refer to our Key Fact Sheets (KFS).
Home and Contents Insurance is issued by Allianz Australia Insurance Limited ABN 15 000 122 850 AFSL 234708 (Allianz). St.George – a Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL 233714 arranges the initial issue of the insurance under a distribution arrangement with Allianz, but does not guarantee the insurance. This information does not take into account your personal circumstances. Before making a decision, please consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement. For more information call 1800 812 133.
If you take out Home and Contents or Landlord Insurance with Allianz the Bank will receive a commission of up to 12% of the premium, excluding Government fees and charges, plus GST.
A target market determination has been made for this product. Please visit https://www.stgeorge.com.au/tmd for the target market determination.