Social Media Terms of Use
We use social media (which may include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tiktok, Tumblr, Weibo and WeChat) to provide news, education, offers, and support to our customers and communities.
On Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, our Customer Care team are on deck to answer questions and provide service support. We welcome your contributions to our social media pages, and all your feedback whether it's a compliment, a suggestion or a complaint.
Our Social Media Customer Care team operates Mon-Fri 8am-9pm (Sydney time), and Sat-Sun 8am-8pm (Sydney time). We may reduce those hours during public holidays or in response to other factors, or if access to these social media channels is interrupted by circumstances beyond our control.
We moderate content to remove inappropriate, defamatory, misleading or potentially offensive comments, or posts by fake accounts. These Terms of Use apply to anyone who would like to comment, post, reply, tag, mention, message or contribute on our social media pages.
Getting help with your banking and finances
We’re here to provide you with support and service, and will answer your questions and suggestions wherever we can.
The information we provide when answering you on social media is factual only. We will not use social media to give you advice or any suggestion that takes into account your personal circumstances.
Be careful what you share about yourself on our social media pages
Our social media pages are in the public domain. Information you post there is in public and may be open to opinions or responses from other people.
Social media platforms, even the private messaging sections, are not secure enough for sharing and discussing personal and financial information.
When asking us questions or providing suggestions please:
- Don’t share any personal or financial information in the public areas of our pages – that is, in posts or as comments, replies or tweets. This includes not sharing information as images, videos or audio, as well as in writing.
The types of personal and financial information that should not be shared includes your contact details, birthday, bank account or credit card numbers, passwords, account details or statements, driver licence, tax file number, details of your personal situation or reference numbers.
- Don’t send personal or financial details to us via Facebook Messenger, Twitter Direct Message or Instagram Direct Message, unless we request it. Only send the minimum we’ve asked for.
We will only request that you send us limited information privately, never in public, and only if it’s essential to support you immediately - for instance, we may ask you for your phone number to arrange a call-back from our phone bankers. We will never ask you to share with us your passwords, customer ID or specific financial information such as your account balance.
When our bankers call back by phone, we’ll ask you to confirm your identity to make sure we’re speaking to the right person.
Good social media behaviour
We feel all visitors to our social media pages should feel respected and safe, so we may moderate any contributions you make on our social media pages to remove inappropriate content.
When making your contributions, please:
- Be respectful of others’ comments and views.
- Use considerate and appropriate language.
- Don’t make remarks that are defamatory, disparaging, abusive, offensive, attacking, violent, threatening or use profanities.
- Don’t post images, videos, quotes or other media that are offensive, or belong to others. Please note that infringement on any party’s copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, intellectual property, or other proprietary rights, or right of publicity or privacy is strictly prohibited and is your sole responsibility.
- Don’t make negative comments in relation to the portrayal of any group based on race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, age, sexual preference, religion or disability.
- Don’t solicit for your business or cause.
- Don’t share links or material that may cause security breaches.
We may remove your contributions
We reserve the right to remove any comments, images, videos, gifs, links or other contributions solely at our discretion, including those which are:
- Inaccurate, misleading or a misrepresentation.
- Providing financial advice.
- Over-sharing, or a breach of your or someone else’s confidentiality, privacy or security, such as sharing financial information including passwords. This includes the confidentiality, privacy or security of St.George Bank, the Westpac Group or our staff.
- Defamatory, disparaging, abusive, offensive, attacking, violent, threatening or use profanities, or vilifying of others, including St.George Bank, the Westpac Group or our staff.
- Subject to legal, regulatory or ombudsman proceedings.
- Repeated statements, attempts to flood the page, or otherwise disrupt other visitors’ access to our support.
- Off-topic or unrelated to the conduct of our business or our customers’ queries.
- Otherwise not in the spirit of these guidelines or causing undue concern or discomfort to our visitors.
If you repeatedly behave on our social media pages in a way that breaches these guidelines, the social media platform’s terms of use, our Terms and Conditions, or Australian laws, we reserve the right to block and/or report you to the social media platform and to other authorities at our sole discretion without notice, including law enforcement if necessary.
Our behaviour on social media
If you see any behaviour by us, including our staff, on social media that concerns you, please contact us by sending a message to any of our social media profiles.
In line with our regulatory commitments, we monitor our social media channels to address and manage complaints you raise with us there in relation to our staff, products or services.
Information provided by us on our social media pages and all matters relating to them are governed by and are to be construed according to the laws applicable in the State of New South Wales and the Commonwealth of Australia. The information on the social media platforms may not satisfy the laws of any other country besides Australia. Unless otherwise stated expressly, products and services referred to on our social media pages are only available in Australia.
Visitors and contributors should also be aware of and observe each social media platform’s own guidelines for community behaviour.
All images and media we publish on our social media pages are used with permission.
St.George Bank and Westpac Group are not responsible for and does not endorse or guarantee content, availability, viewpoints, products or services that are offered or expressed in posts by others on our pages.
Neither St.George Bank nor any other company in the Westpac Group nor any of their directors, employees and associates gives any warranty of reliability or accuracy nor accepts any responsibility arising in any other way including by reason of negligence for, errors in, or omissions from, any information given by Westpac Group on the social media sites or in comments sections of our websites and does not accept any liability for any loss or damage, however caused, as a result of any person relying on any information on the social media sites. This disclaimer is subject to any applicable contrary provisions of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act and Competition and Consumer Act.