Manage your account
- Tips for banking smarter
- Keep more money in your pocket by reducing fees and charges
- Check you have the right account, simple steps to avoid fees, and more.
- 24/71 banking convenience.
- Save time and minimise banking fees.
- Convenient, fast and paper-free eStatements.
- Receive SMS and Email Alerts.
- With 24/71 access, easy to use menus and a vast array of options, St.George Phone Banking is the answer.
- Once you've registered for Internet Banking, you're also registered for Phone Banking.
- To find out how easy it is to use Phone Banking please check out our online guided tour.
- Access the most popular Internet Banking functions from most smart phones wherever you are, whenever you want for secure banking 24/71.
- Pay bills with BPAY®.
- Schedule future and recurring transfers up to 24 months in advance.
- View your pending credit card purchases.
Have you considered
Visa Debit Card
A Visa Debit Card is not a credit card – it’s a debit card with no annual fee that gives you convenient access to funds in your transaction account.
Important information
Before making a decision it is best to read the terms and conditions. The information on our website is prepared without knowing your personal financial circumstances. Before you act on this please consider if it's right for you.
1 Subject to systems availability
® Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518